ООО «Кенвес групп»
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Оборудование для мясопереработки
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ООО «Кенвес групп»

Центрифуга LС 10

Центрифуга LС 10

The LC 10 is recommended for washing pig hearts. The centrifuge is made entirely of AISI 304 stainless steel and is equipped with a pneumatic opening system for internal cleaning. It is supplied with an electric control panel with a stainless steel cabinet. The process cycle includes charging, washing, drying and discharging the animal byproduct. After the introduction of the byproduct in the charging hopper, the process can be made semiautomatic (the machine stops after each cycle) or automatic (the cycle starts again after the closing of the discharging door and its length can be controlled by timers).

Центрифуга LС 10


Установленная мощность V400 (KW)1.85
Расход воздуха/час(Л)60 L – 6 bar
Расход холодной воды0.4 m3 – 3 bar
Производительность/загрузка20-30 cердец
Производительность/час400-500 сердец